% 0期刊文章%怀尔德,罗素m % T量热法:根据科学的营养% B医药协会加入内科医学档案% D 1959% R 10.1001 / archinte.1959.00270010152020 % J医药协会加入内科医学档案% 146 - 154 V 103% N 1% P % @ 0888 - 2479 X %尤金·杜布瓦博士在一个讣告的杰出的格雷厄姆•Lusk写道,Lusk”我们与大师的最强的联系,传播给我们是最好的在科学实验室和学术界的和以前的世纪....不仅男人在自己的实验室工作,但那些来自遥远的这个国家的部分地区和海外负债对他的最好的部分他们的出版物。”万博ManBetX网页1 The rather whimsical conceit of Professor Lusk shown here (Fig. 1) is a useful springboard for some of what I have to tell.The great-grandfather in this genealogy is Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1734-1794), the founder of modern chemistry, whose head fell under the guillotine of the French Revolution. "It took but a second to cut off his head; a hundred years will not suffice to produce one like it," was the comment %[ 6/8/2023 %U https://doi.org/10.1001/archinte.1959.00270010152020