的观点 480年
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《美国医学协会杂志》上。 2022年,328 (12):1261。doi: 10.1001 / jama.2021.17145

出版1922年9月30日|《美国医学会杂志》。1922;79 (14):1158 - 1160。


求助于古老的谜心灵和物质的关系,他说,思维变得更加可辨认的,越发达的神经系统。因此心灵的《暮光之城》出现的困难不介意,这是重复甚至在个人生活的历史。心态不是分布式广播通过神经系统,但在高等脊椎动物被限制的更新部分前脑。精神神经系统的一部分放置,其商业与身体和外部世界发生只有通过古老的nonmental神经系统的一部分。简单的神经冲动,合计和干扰,似乎是一个统一的神经系统在其办公室nonmental方面。通过从神经冲动心理事件,,一步从一个世界到另一个,不可通约的。我们可能会认为,大脑会表现出惊人的变化的结构过渡的地方从nonmental到精神的地区。但没有;有相同的旧结构元素集,建议的一个函数神经脉冲的传输和碰撞。互联是富裕,但这仅仅是一个量变。…The mental attributes of the nervous system were the coping stone of the construction of the individual. But they did not stop at the individual; they integrated individuals into communities. Reviewing the distribution of mind within the range of animal forms, we met with two peaks of development—in insects and in the vertebrate…In the insect the type of mind was not rational but instinctive; in man there was reason as well as instinct. Yet in both one outcome was the welding of individuals into societies. In many of its aspects, animal life presented a mechanism the how of which, despite many gaps, was fairly explicable. It was as explicable as was the working of a gas engine or an electromotor. But other aspects, such as the shaping of the animal body, the conspiring of its structural units to compass later functional ends, the predetermination of specific growth from egg to adult, the predetermined natural term of existence, we are still at a loss to understand, despite many brilliant inquiries and inquirers. The steps of the results are known, but the springs of action still lie hidden. Then, again, the how of the mind’s connection with its bodily place seemed an utter enigma.
